PRESS RELEASE – AAWA: UK Child abuse inquiry “Should include Jehovah’s Witnesses” Advocates for the Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) welcomes the UK’s wide-ranging public inquiry into historic child abuse in public institutions. We welcome the news that the overarching inquiry, …
Tag Archives: pedophiles

AAWA’s very popular “Who is knocking at your door?” single page handout is now available in Spanish on our Flyers and Handouts page. A quick link is listed under Publications in our header menu. Jose Perez, one of our valued multilingual …

Late Friday evening (February 21, 2014) AAWA launched its second grievance petition on This petition focuses on protecting the rights of children. Are you aware that mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse by clergy and religious leaders of faith-based …

Children are a priceless gift to be nurtured and protected by loving, caring adults. Unfortunately, one of our most vulnerable populations is suffering every day at the hands of abusers hiding behind policies that protect criminals more than children. The …
Practicing what they preach has never been a virtue of the Watch Tower Society! That fact was reaffirmed in capital letters in the November 2012 issue of the The Watchtower magazine in an article titled, “Is Religious Faith an Emotional …

Jehovah’s Witnesses have received global media attention for their child protection policies, which put children at risk and serve to protect pedophiles. It has been estimated that Watchtower policies are responsible for thousands of children being harmed. To protect these …

The Watchtower filed a complete set of documents in the Court of Appeal of the State of California, First Appellate District, Division Three on March 27, 2013. The original final filing date was March 26, 2013 and the documents are …