Shameful Shunning in a Thousand Words
Beschamende ‘Shunning’ in minder duizend woorden
Dutch translation and dual language format courtesy of Patrick Haeck [Belgium]
Original [English version] posted on November 3, 2013 by Rick Gonzalez
Originele versie [Engels] geplaatst op 3 november, 2013 door Rick Gonzalez
This is a picture of my dad eating. He had just made lunch for me, but he couldn’t eat it with me. I had to eat it at another table with my four-year-old son while he sat there away from me.
Dit is een foto van mijn etende vader. Hij bereidde zojuist een lunch voor mij, maar hij kon die niet samen met mij nuttigen. Ik moest aan een andere tafel eten met mijn vierjarig zoontje, terwijl mijn vader ver van mij weg zat.
Why? Because that’s what the Watch Tower Society tells him to do.
Waarom? Omdat dit hem zo wordt opgedragen door het Wachttorengenootschap.
I posted this picture on a Facebook forum October 26th. The first response I received was, “Don’t know what to say. This boggles the mind; mind-control religion at its very worst!”
Ik postte deze foto op 26 oktober op een Facebook forum. De eerste reactie die ik kreeg was, “Weet niet wat te zeggen. Dit is onvoorstelbaar; mind-control religie op z’n slechtst!”
Minutes later a flood of comments and “Likes” followed, reminding me that a good picture can easily replace a thousand words.
Binnen de paar minuten volgde een stortvloed aan commentaren en “Likes”, die me eraan herinnerden dat een goed beeld meer zegt dan duizend woorden.
For those of you who are curious, I must explain that my extended family began shunning me a year ago after I questioned the authority of the Watchtower’s Governing Body. My family’s unanimous well-meaning response to my doubts was by expressing their opinion that I “must be an apostate” and “severe shunning would surely bring me to my senses.”
Voor de nieuwsgierigen wil ik graag toelichten dat mijn omvangrijke familie één jaar geleden een start maakte met mij compleet te mijden, shunning, nadat ik vraagtekens plaatste bij de autoriteit van het Besturende Lichaam van de Wachttorenorganisatie. Het goedbedoelde antwoord van mijn familie op mijn twijfels was een unanieme verklaring dat ik “wel een afvallige moest zijn” en dat een “krachtige shunning mij zeker wakker zou schudden.”
After my mother died eight months ago, my dad, being all alone, went to the elders in the congregation he attended to see if he’d be allowed to visit with me. They said that since I was his son, he could visit with me at his house. But he could not discuss religion – nor could he share a meal with me at the same table.
Acht maanden geleden overleed mijn moeder. Mijn vader die nu helemaal alleen stond raadpleegde de ouderlingen in de gemeente waarvan hij deel uitmaakt, om te zien of het hem kon worden toegestaan om omgang met mij te hebben. Ze vertelden hem dat, omdat ik zijn zoon ben, hij mij in zijn huis kon ontvangen, maar hij mocht niet over religie praten, noch kon hij een maaltijd met mij delen aan dezelfde tafel.
Two weeks ago, I called my dad and asked if his grandson and I could visit him. He said “yes” and even offered to make lunch. But shortly before serving the meal, he said that he wasn’t going to sit at the same table with us. When I asked why, his reply was, “The organization says so.”
Twee weken geleden belde ik mijn vader en vroeg als zijn kleinzoon en ik hem konden bezoeken. Hij zei “ja” en bood zelfs een maaltijd aan. Kort voor het opdienen van de maaltijd zei hij dat hij niet van plan was om dezelfde tafel met ons te delen. Toen ik hem vroeg waarom was zijn antwoord: “omdat de organisatie het zo zegt”.
That confession allowed me to vent my feelings for maybe thirty minutes, describing to him about the harm caused by shunning and other Watchtower policies. He listened politely. But I could see that he was in a “cognitive dissonance mode” – so nothing I said registered with him.
Deze bekentenis liet me toe om mijn gevoelens te ventileren gedurende wel dertig minuten, waarbij ik beschreef hoeveel schade er veroorzaakt wordt door shunning en andere Wachttoren-beleidslijnen. Hij luisterde beleefd. Maar ik kon zien dat hij in “stand-by”-modus was – het was als water over een eend gieten.
After I spoke my piece, he served a nice meal to me and my son. Then he chose to sit alone in a small area of the kitchen with his back turned to us while eating his lunch. I sat there speechless, trying to figure out what was going on in his mind. That’s when it occurred to me that I had to capture this moment on my camera phone.
Nadat ik mijn zegje gedaan had, diende hij een lekkere maaltijd op voor mij en mijn zoon. Hij verkoos tijdens de maaltijd alleen te zitten in een klein hoekje van de keuken met zijn rug naar ons. Ik zat daar sprakeloos, terwijl ik probeerde te achterhalen wat er in zijn geest zou omgaan. Plotseling begreep ik dat ik dit moment moest vastleggen met mijn telefooncamera.
As I nibbled on my lunch, a feeling of pure sadness engulfed me. But as bad as I felt, I had this gut-wrenching feeling for Dad. This had to be much harder for him. Here’s an 80-year-old man thinking that he is doing this for God. He feels he has to suffer through this intuitively wrong act to be loyal to what he thinks is “God’s organization.”
Al kauwend op mijn maaltijd, overmande mij een gevoel van puur verdriet. Maar hoe slecht ik mij ook voelde, ik besefte ook hoe hartverscheurend dit voor papa moest zijn. Dit moest voor hem vele keren erger zijn. Hier zit een 80-jarige man die denkt dat hij dit ‘voor God’ doet. Hij voelt het lijden die veroorzaakt wordt door deze daad waarvan hij intuïtief beseft dat hij verkeerd is, maar die nodig is om loyaal te zijn aan wat hij veronderstelt ‘Gods organisatie’ te zijn.
But the story does not end here. My son is growing up seeing this silliness going on. Can the Watchtower be blind to the damage caused by their harmful policies, not just to us adults but to innocent kids who have “no dog in the fight?”
Maar het verhaal eindigt hier niet. Mijn zoon wordt groter en ziet deze dwaasheid aanhouden. Kan de Wachttoren-organisatie blind zijn voor de schade die wordt veroorzaakt door haar schadelijk beleid, niet alleen voor ons als volwassenen maar vooral voor de onschuldige kinderen die hier niets mee te maken hebben?
Tears were running down my face as I drove away from my father’s home. But I also realized that I was not alone in this situation. Today, there are thousands of us who no longer believe the Watchtower’s lies we used to feed on. We now know the truth about several Watchtower policies that sacrifice the civil rights of current and former members.
Terwijl ik wegreed van mijn vaders huis liepen de tranen over mijn gezicht. Maar, ik realiseerde me ook dat ik niet alleen was in deze situatie. Op vandaag zijn er duizenden die niet langer de Wachttorenleugens geloven waarmee we ons plachten te voeden. We kennen nu de waarheid over meerdere Wachttorenbeleidslijnen die funest zijn voor de burgerrechten van zowel de huidige als de voormalige leden.
We can no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering and cries of others due to the Watchtower’s policy of shunning. I know that I can’t!
We kunnen niet langer blind en doof blijven voor het lijden en de hulpkreten van de slachtoffers van de ‘shunning’ door de Getuigen van Jehovah. Ik kan dit alvast niet!
Extreme shunning is inhumane! It is a cruel and unjust punishment – a despicable act of a mind-controlling religion that’s afraid of losing its members and financial contributors. My goals are to make the non-JW world community aware of the emotional and psychological damage from shunning, for the court of public opinion to find the Watchtower guilty as charged, and to put a stop to this barbaric practice.
Deze extreme vorm van mijden is onmenselijk! Het is een wrede en onrechtvaardige straf – een verachtelijke daad van een geest-controlerende religie die bang is voor het verlies van haar leden en hun financiële ondersteuning. Het is mijn streven om de wereldwijde niet-Getuigen van Jehovah bewust te maken van de emotionele en psychische schade van shunning, Jehovah’s Getuigen te laten veroordelen als schuldig voor het Hof van de publieke opinie, en een einde te maken aan deze barbaarse praktijk.
And yes – I think that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words – sometimes, maybe even more!
En ja, in sommige gevallen denk ik dat een beeld echt méér zegt dan duizend woorden en zelfs veel méér dan dat!
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Vertaling in het Engels
Dear Rick your picture touched my heart….Shame on the so called men in Brooklyn who say they follow Christ, the bible makes it clear that Jesus loved people , even thieves and murderers, Your picture certainly speaks a thousand words…i felt impelled to write this with tears in my eyes looking at your poor elderly Father believing he must not break the rules or else? he will be betraying a bunch of rich old men in America, i am so angry. Rick I was a JW for 10 yrs and disacociated myself only very recently, I will be disfellowshipped nxt week, and like you I did no wrong other then question the elders. I know from inside the problems they cause for good honest caring people and I want to scream out loud to others KEEP AWAY FAR AWAY . I watched families putting on smiles for meetings , keeping themselves away from ‘weak one’s in case they got ‘infected’.. So SAD My own son got baptised 2 yrs ago then 3 mths later had to have a kidney transplant, the elders one by one questioned him on the blood, he told them he had no transfusions, everything went well. They did not believe him and gave him the cold shoulder afterwards, he told me he would leave which he did quietly. I knew then that I had to leave but I did not want to leave quietly I made it clear how hurt we were, though they denied-treating him different.Thank you so much for posting this picture and your story, I absoultly know I have done the right thing and I pray many see this, I will be showing it to people I know so they will be forewarned about this evil organization that says it speaks for God. I hope this makes sense. I wish you and your Father well.
Kathy, thank you so much for your kind words! I hope one day things are better for those leaving the organization. I think shunning is a great way to manipulate anyone to stick around even if they don’t want to. I think many do it just for that reason, they don’t want to loose family or be given the cold shoulder just because they don’t agree with them. I know many of us are on the same boat, I have friends that are going to the exact same thing. It take s a courageous person to say NO MORE and walk out! Loosing family is not something many of us can easily deal with, many have gone to the extremes of taking their lives because of this! The leaders of the Watchtower organization know what they’re doing very well, they know that if they threaten to dis-fellowship someone for simply talking to someone they call an apostate most members of the organization will be scared and follow directions. Just today my non-witness brother invited me to lunch at his house, he invited my dad, the man you see in the picture, needless to say, I don’t feel like being in this awkward situation again so I wont go, it makes it hard for him and uncomfortable when I’m around specially at a dinner table.
So something so simple, like having lunch with a loved one becomes torture. This is exactly what the organization wants, this is how they control their flock. They suffer but they think they’re doing it for God, they can’t really justify it or understand it, they are just following directions from men they think are connected with God in some special way. Hopefully your prayers are answered and many around the world see whats going on with this cult and when they come knocking their doors they know exactly what they’re getting into if they choose to accept and join this organization!
Dear Rick, I cried when I saw the picture of your dad. But to be honest, I have been crying since last night.
I was raised as one of JWs. My father is a prominent elder and my mother a pioneer for over 40 years (and she’s only 50 years old) I am the oldest of 3 children and I was baptized at age 16. I began pioneering at 17 when I graduated high school. I really wanted to go to college and my guidance counselor even arranged for scholarships for me. When I told him I wouldn’t be going to college because my parents didn’t want me to, he arranged for a meeting with my father to implore him to change his mind. But that didn’t happen. I got married at a very early age ( I was 18 and he was 19) to a fellow JWs, as many JWs do because of the strict rules about dating and the rule about no pre-marital sex. I knew immediately that I had made a terrible mistake, but I was afraid of shaming my family by admitting it. I stayed married to a compulsive liar and cheat for 21 years. During that time, I prayed throughout each day and night that my husband’s true colors would be brought to light. I didn’t have the necessary 2 witnesses to prove he had cheated on me and my husband was very sneaky and deceptive…but smart. He knew if I could prove that he had been unfaithful, that I would be free to get a divorce. I held tight to the belief that “all things are seen with God” and he wouldn’t be able to get away with it forever. When I turned 39, I began to realize that this was my life. It was never going to change. I told my parents that I knew my husband had cheated on me. I even confronted my husband with my father and another elder from our KH, but he denied ever having intercourse with any of the women, so it was his word against mine. Their solution was to start having a family Bible study together. I lost it! I had held all of this in for over 20 years, and when I finally got up the courage to tell someone, it was treated as nothing. My father knew I wanted to get away from my husband. One day he saw me struggling and crying and told me, “You don’t have a choice, you married him”. It was at that moment that I knew I DID have a choice. I COULD leave my husband, but it would also mean leaving my religion and my entire family and group of friends. It wouldn’t be easy… my 2 siblings, their spouses and I were inseparable. And we loved being around our parents. We all pioneered together, lived next door to each other, went on vacations together. My sister had 2 beautiful daughters that I loved as my very own.
I left 6 years ago. It was the worst time of my life. My family has written me off as dead. I haven’t heard my mother’s voice in 6 years. My father doesn’t reply to my text messages since the last district convention where they were counseled not to give in to any temptation to communicate with family members who had left the fold.
I mentioned at the beginning that I have been crying since last night. Last night was the Memorial of Christ’s death and is the only thing JWs celebrate. I attended, as I have since I left. If I’m being honest than I have to say that I only attend to see my family and get a glimpse of how much my nieces have grown. My sister now has a 3rd baby girl and she has no idea who I am. The other 2 girls look at me when they think I can’t see them. I don’t have any idea what they have been told about me. When I first left and they were just little, they would come running to me when I walked in the KH…only to be pulled away crying by my sister. I brought a friend with me last night for support and I thought everything went really well. I texted my sister when I got home and thanked her for saving us seats and being so nice to my friend. I then asked her why our mother, who is like the mayor of the kingdom hall, has never come up to say hello to anyone I have brought with me. And then it started. The guilt trip. How I broke their hearts and how selfish I am. She told me that the plain truth is that I am going to die if I don’t come back. I tried to get her to see things from my viewpoint but it was useless. She said, “this isn’t some rule made up by our religion, it’s in the Bible…every Bible…even if you don’t believe it anymore. We aren’t some brainwashed idiots. Would you suggest we give up everlasting life to hang out with you?” All I replied was, “nope, absolutely not”. I’m done. I’m drained and I’m sad that things will never be any different. So I went looking for some comfort from others who know what it’s like. And I am truly sorry about your father.
As I read your story I could feel your pain. I could see the emotional harm you have been through. For that I am really sorry for you.
I to experienced many of the same things you did. As an EX JW-long time elder I can relate to everything you say. I had to leave for the very same reasons you mention however in my case I just “Faded Away” slowly. I was going mentally crazy trying to BELIVE the UNBELIVABLE! I knew in my Heart the teachings were getting more and more Whacko and the position on Shunning was so Cruel and hurt so many people and destroyed families etc. I couldn’t do it anymore. I was the only JW in my family and yet my family accepted me for what I was at that time. However as a JW you are not allowed to accept anyone else for what they are un less they are a JW and even at that every JW is considered suspect of wrongdoing or “weakness” if they are not 100% dedicated to every utterance that they decide to preach. The JW’s always throw the guilt trip at you and fear of destruction and Armageddon scare. That is the same as the Hell-fire fear they always say God would not use on humans? I hope some in your family will come around soon and see the teachings of hate the WT are using to DEMAND loyalty to a man made religion. It may take time and some may come through to you and some may even feel as you do but are in fear of expressing it. it is my heartfelt prayer you find peace in your situation.
I have a question for you? In your previous situation why did you not just get a legal separation from your husband? Or just move out separately and not live together but still remain legally married just to “satisfy” the JW requirements and then slowly over a period of time just fade away? Your family would not have to know all your details of your life or what you were thinking? Many former JW’s including myself did that and somehow are ale to work it out and satisfy the “RULES” of the JW’s an your JW family will mostly not shun you?
Another note: I think you have the age of your Mother wrong? Based on what you say she is 50 years old correct but based on what you say you are now app 45 years old since you say you married at 18 and stayed married for 21 years which would make you 39 years old at that time and then you said 6 years ago you left when you were 39 which would make you 45 years old now? I just thought I would point that out to you. In any case all me best to you. Time is a healer and things will get better. I was 39 when I left and that was nearly 20 years ago and initially it was dramatic but over time it got better and better and for you will get better and better.
To answer your question as to why I didn’t just separate from my husband and “fade away”… my relationship with my family was extremely close. We all lived on the same property, went to the same congregation and pioneered together… I would not have been allowed to fade away. I couldn’t miss a meeting without explanation, much less become inactive. Believe me, I had plenty of time to contemplate every “option”. At the time I had put up with the situation for so long that I didn’t feel like I could last another day.
And you are absolutely correct about the age of my mother… it was a typo, obviously. I meant to say that she had pioneered for over 40 years at the age of 60, not 50.
I appreciate your comments. I think our situations differ greatly in the fact that your family was not JW and therefore didn’t shun you after you faded away, but I am glad to hear that you have found peace and I thank you for your well wishes.
Thanks for your comments and reply. I meant to say my family I grew up were not JW’s. Meaning my immediate family as a youth. My mom and dad and brothers and sister. When I was 19 I became a Jw and got married at 20 to a JW lady. Of course like all other Jw’s we were RUSHED into marriage bc of the position of dating etc. She had a child that I raised from her “Hippie” days and I was a great Dad and she is a great daughter. We also had 2 other boys so I raised them al as JW’s and I was 100% into it but more reasonable than other JW parents. As being a super JW for over 20 years I just couldn’t take it anymore and faded away. To this day my wife and Daughter are still JW’s. The Boys and me are not even though we are all baptized we don’t identify with them. It causes us hardship for sure and the wife is on the fanatical side of the JW world. You cannot have a discussion if you even criticize one bit or throw up a reasonable objection.
We just deal with it the best we can. it has caused hardship and does not help a marriage at all. She seems only interested in pleasing the WT than being a family member. Oh well, we al have our differentr situation. I wonder what she would do if I ever got DF’d?
I could not believe that 1914 stuff anymore after 1990 or so. Just did not make sense anymore and the exuses they use to justify the word generation are all non sense. Many other things as well. All the Best in your continual effort to find peace. You will. I promise.
Just cirius? What ever happened to your husband? Is he still a “Good JW”?
For me writing to someone is part a healing process,just to realize that I am not all alone.I was disfellowshipped in “85 and for the most part, at least for the 1st 15 years I felt like a yoyo.My ex did things to me like running off with the kids when I would be on my way to get them for the weekend. I mean like she would all of a sudden decide to go visit her mother a hundred miles away,stuff like that.I even went to the point of getting a lawyer and the police to go with me to the house to pick them up. I finally decide to give up. just what the good brothers wanted to happen. maybe not, maybe they would have preferred suicide instead. Believe me when I tell you I considered it, but instead of that, I tried drinking myself to death. They used my drinking as a reason not to visit . So I decided to quit and took the AA route. I had been sober for about 5 years and after having been invited to my daughters wedding ,my daughter called me on the phone and told me that if her husband was going to expect advancement in the organization they needed to ease up on their association with me because of how people would view it. I mean to say it broke my heart.Heck I tried drinking myself to death again. It didn[‘t work ,A terrible accident,a life flight, 40 days in intensive care,2 years of recovery ,learning to walk again, 3 heart attacks and I realized that John 3:16 means just exactly what it says. The “whosoever,”,, it was talking about was, me and you and, anyone else that would accept and acknowledge the DEATH ,BURIAL , AND RESURRECTION of Jesus ,, and would sincerely confess it with their mouth that Jesus was their Lord and Savior could be acceptable for eternal life and did not require the permission of a relatively new man made religion , made up of imperfect people ,to solidify salvation for me, or anyone else. I hurt for you because I know exactoly what it feels like to go to the Hall to see how you kids and grandchildren are looking . Only to be ignored while you are there ,but of course we expect that, appearances you know . It would be improper for your kids to hug your neck in front of anybody.,BOY THAT FEELS A LITTLE BETTER THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME. ALLEN L. MUSTAIN
As a mother, I believe that God created in me an instinct to protect and love my children fiercely. So then, how can this same God then ask (rather demand) that I be willing to even CONSIDER the idea of disfellowshipping and/or shunning to be something that I would or could ever be a part of if my child were to fall victim to serious sin???!!! That is precisely what my family and millions of other families have done. And, the majority of the time, NO reason is ever given to explain WHY…
It saddens me deeply… As I explained to the committee of elders in my judicial meeting, If God himself were to sit in front of me and demand that I choose, 10 years left to live here with my children with the memories of them and out good times in my heart and mind when I died OR everlasting life, no memory to haunt me, and perfect health if I shunned my kids….. There would be no hesitation, regrets or second thoughts… I WOULD CHOOSE MY CHILDREN EVERY TIME…
After all, isn’t that the instinct I was CREATED with???
Crissa, I couldn’t agree with you more. It is very sad. I miss my family every single day. I don’t understand how they can give up precious time with family members while they are still alive. Although I would not wish this experience on anyone, it does help to know that you are not alone and others are surviving this terrible struggle.
because they are part of a cult and brainwashed. It is hard to understand but the power of a cult is strong and even though they struggle with it in their brainwashed minds they “think” they are doing the necessary things o please God. I tis a sad, sick situation.
My heart breaks not only for you and your poor father, Rick, but, also for ALL of those who have commented and shared their OWN stories of abuse. My family has also been “broken” by the practice of shunning, and it has caused years of pain, division, and sorrow. I have been inactive for MANY years and am just now learning the TRUTH about “The Truth.” It’s mind blowing! Love and peace to ALL of you who shared your stories.
The problem is not the organisation, so even not the ordinairy members etc, but the “Governing Body”. They need to be replaced first and a refreshment of false teachings shall be done. Jesus of Nazareth is our meditator, for all mankind.
The watchtower and the governing body to me are EVIL> Only someone WICKE#D AND EVIL would promote breaking up families.. How can they sleep at night?Can you imagine them knocking at a door and the person behind the door knows about the Australia Royal Commission investigating the watchtower? I would be ashamed to knock on a door with that going on. Of course they don’t know its going on. They wont look at anything that exposes them. They are really covering for that dam governing body. And I do not believe that they would believe it even if they saw it on tv. They would say that the tv station is persecuting them. They would accuse the commission of being apostates. They will not believe anything. I left that nonsense 10 years ago after 32 years.Nothing has changed.I really believe that Satan controls those old 8 men in Brooklyn. What else could it be?
To anyone studying with a jw. After you have been doing this for 6 months you would have taken so many MD PILLS that you are through as far as having a normal mind. You are now hooked to that dam cult. Those MD pills have you under their control- I feel sorry for you. Those dam MD Pills have done you in. may God have mercy on your soul. Its a sad thing to lose your mind. But I pray for you.
To you Rick and all others who have such experience – be consistent. WT and JW are wrong.
1. To Society Watch Tower, Watchtower and corporations
2. To Jehovah’s Witnesses and all the assemblies
3. To all whom this concern
Declaration on termination of membership to a religious community of Jehovah’s Witnesses
I was baptized in 1977 at the age of 17, then a minor. But, in good faith I answered the following two questions just before baptism, which is symbolized my dedication to God in terms of the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses religion.
At that time (before the change of 01.06.1985.) questions have read as follows;
A) Have you repented of your sins and converted, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ?
B) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?
Since I have over decades closely followed the changes in various aspects of activity of this religion, I noticed some frequent collisions (1.Iv.4: 1; 1.Sol. 5:21). It is visible in: a) the content of the various interpretations; b) in the theory and practice of action in everyday life issues. Overview of many historical aspects of the spiritual heritage, which the organization has, since its inception in the 19th century, left to its members-followers, and wants to cover it up, revise and incorrect display, is astounding. Who wants to drink a water from a cup in which there is a single drop of dangerous substances?
The purpose of my statement is not to explain doctrine and practices of society and the board of directors, who are disturbed my conscience and reasoning within the love, faith, knowledge and understanding that I feel and I have to God and Jesus Christ and to the people, so I will taxatively single out only a few of them (Rom . 14: 4). These are obvious example, on the one hand, theological acrobatics from the main church body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and on the other hand, their dishonesty and practice in which one they are learns, and other they are works;
1) Confusing conceptions about their own identity (Who shared spiritual food? One servant, all 144 000, a composite body or the governing body …,)
2) Pragmatism in changing dogmatic interpretations before the change was “firmly biblical established”, such as a series of explanations about the “generation” …,
3) Speculation about the meaning of biblical statements and how they should be understood. More than once the revised interpretation were in style of YES-NO-YES-NO; then this year’s “changed approach to the interpretation of reports from the Word of God” …,
4) Switching of responsibility from the governing body and their representatives on the ordinary believers in respect of the decisions and attitudes that members should be carried out, when it becomes apparent that they were endangered spiritually, mentally and literally health of fellow believers (eg, multiple expectations of Armageddon, Malawi and Mexico of the 1970s years, questions about blood, juvenile members / Bulgaria /, neutrality …,)
5) Co-operation and association with political organizations such as the UN and the OSCE.
6) Increasingly open calls for financial donations and contributions to the funds of the corporation.
7) Careless and unkind treatment of victims of pedophilia within the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Regardless of how, as collective or personal, members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses treat me after this letter of resignation, considering the worldwide-known practice of ignoring and avoiding (shunning) that Jehovah’s Witnesses apply to all who are outside of their religion (“worldly” people, dissociated and disfellowshiped) – I with fully conscious and reason declare still this; My relationship with the people / persons in the Jehovah’s Witness religion and those who are not, is based on the words of Jesus; “Love your neighbor as yourself”; “Love those who hate you”; “Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them.”
I expecting from you, that any kind of information which is stored anywhere, in connection with me and has my full name, such as personal files, or any other files you immediately destroy!
Zagreb, July 27/2015. Srećko Šoštar, ————- , Zagreb
Verified by notary public
My name is Catherine from United States.I am married with two wonderful kids. My husband and i have been married for 10 years and we were such a big happy family. But He started changing ” for the worse ” he looked at me like a stranger and also treating the total strangers. I knew once that something has gone wrong. I hired a private investigator that cost me a lot to help monitor his moves.
Sadly i was told he has was seeing another woman. It turned out right to be what i was thinking. I couldn’t just believe it so i confronted him with the pictures,but he denied it bluntly. he said she was just a lady he has some working project with and foolish of me i believed him.But on one faithful day i caught them red handed and that moment my heart stopped for a while as i bust into tears, because i really love him so much that i can do anything for him. I have never seen in his eyes so much hate before, to the extent that he will have to cheat on me. he was no longer living with me and our kids. I still remember his words ” “KEEP THE HOUSE AND YOUR SICK KIDS!” I wanted to drop dead but my lovely kids gave me strength to fight for what is mine. He was asking for a divorce but i wanted my man back because of the love i have for him. So i had to delay the process to buy time for myself so as to figure out a way to get him back. On a good day i stumbled on an ad of how a boy got his girlfriend back after she broke up with him through a spell caster. At first I told myself it’s a scam, because i never believed of such. But as pressure from my husband’s lawyer increased i became desperate and gave it a chance. I contacted him via email i saw on his website. His English was not so clear but he helped me. But not for free. I did as he instructed me.
When he claimed to have finished whatever he was doing i personally appreciated him by sending him some money. He sent me a hand written enchanting words and asked me to recite them morning and night for seven days ” as he said seven is the perfect number “I did just that but at first nothing happened out of frustration i sent all kind of insult to him even calling a low life scam. He said he could destroy the entire thing he did but he wouldn’t do so as i can see how wrong i was by insulting his personality. He said those enchanting words he gave me will make my husband see the demon in his new lover and its going to make him hurt badly. All what the spell-caster had said began to manifest. He literally confessed that he hated her all of a sudden. All what this great spell caster called Dr Kareem Jida that uses only this website: l address which is Website:// said came to pass. Few days later i got an email from my husband bagging me for re-union that he was so sorry for all he has done to our family. Without thinking twice i had to forgive and accept his plead, because i him so much. My husband is back home and living happily now and he is as faithful to me and as a saint. so if you have a similar problem just contact Website:// i bet you never regret him for: Winning of lottery , Getting a good job , meeting a very good life partner, bringing back your ex-lover,but i cant be listing them here now, All i can say here with full assurance to those that wish to contact him is to tell you all that he is so real and he will never let you down on any problem.
It was just tonight I happened upon this site. The picture made me cry also…of your poor older father, obeying mans control rules they say originate with a loving God…? It made me think of my own Mom…trying hard to do the same…shunning the kids she has alive right now, and grandchildern…all because the Gb says she must inorder to live in the New Order…to be reunited with Dad and our Brother who was killed in an logging accident. I feel for all you poor folks who have been hurt so deeply by this…BS ….Gb …you know what…perhaps I shall take the advice of the above commentor….ask them to cast a spell on you guys…but then I would be following in your footsteps and consulting the occult…definitely you guys are working for the Devil, actually…I think you all could teach him a thing or two! The saying…what goes around comes around…see who will be left standing…when” Karma is a B**ch”.. . 11/05/17…. In “her” was found…if the “tight pantz fit”….World wide eyes are being opened and “truth about the truth” is comming out….interesting developments for sure…I for one, would not want to have to go in service with my veg cart around the Warwick area! Good work all who are smoking out this corrupt Jworgy…keep up the good work.