How the Watchtower Justifies its Crimes

Contributed by: Louise Goode It was not the kind of decision that the Watchtower Society expected, as successfully justifying its crimes to members and courtrooms is almost taken for granted by the leaders of this high-control religious group. But that’s …

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Debunking Watchtower Misinformation For and About Women

Contributed by: Sue Hall I was recently reminded of the damaging effect of Watchtower misinformation about women, and how and why many Jehovah’s Witness women do the things they do. My reminder occurred whilst reading a blog in which a …

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Petition: Protecting the Rights of Children

Late Friday evening (February 21, 2014) AAWA launched its second grievance petition on This petition focuses on protecting the rights of children. Are you aware that mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse by clergy and religious leaders of faith-based …

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A Statement by David Clohessy of SNAP

For 25 years I’ve been the director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, the world’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We have more than 15,000 members across the globe in all denominations, …

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Blood Deaths: Watchtower Claims It’s a Myth

The Watchtower Society wants you to believe that reports of Jehovah’s Witnesses needlessly dying each year because they refuse blood transfusions are mythical and based on mostly unsupportable tales promoted by disgruntled and “mentally diseased apostates.” That is their claim. …

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