By Malcomb Landis with help from Lee Elder (first posted on Open Minds Foundation) People are far more influenced by situations and social pressure than they realize. In fact, the power of our free will can evaporate when someone is …
Category Archives: Blood

Watchtower’s 135-year-old history is mired in misinformation; some of it silliness that has probably caused little harm. But misinformation related to Watchtower’s blood transfusion policy is another story. One statistician estimates that at least 50,000 people have died prematurely due …

Those of us who have followed the subject and watched the Blood Doctrine morph over the years, realize that the Watchtower’s leaders are making it up as they go along. The sad thing for us to consider is that many Jehovah’s Witnesses who died because they followed the Watchtower’s guidelines – even relatively recently – would be alive today if the current rules were effective when they had to make their fateful decision.

According to Lee Elder, Director of AJWRB (Associated Jehovah’s Witness for Reform on Blood), most Jehovah’s Witnesses believe “…blood transfusions are bad medicine and the equivalent of playing Russian Roulette.” The Watchtower has so thoroughly indoctrinated them about the potential …

Contributed by: Marc Latham Cora and I have never felt better about a visit to the hospital than we did on Friday, March 28, 2014. It wasn’t a routine health checkup for sure, but rather a presentation that, with Cora’s …

Contributed by: Anna Macaluso At the tender age of ten, I began having gastrointestinal symptoms so severe that I required repeated medical attention. A year later, when the doctor could not figure out was wrong, she recommended a specialist, a …

The Watchtower Society wants you to believe that reports of Jehovah’s Witnesses needlessly dying each year because they refuse blood transfusions are mythical and based on mostly unsupportable tales promoted by disgruntled and “mentally diseased apostates.” That is their claim. …