A REVIEW BY RICHARD E. KELLY In his breakthrough 1956 book, When Prophecy Fails, Leon Festinger hooks the reader in his very first paragraph, “A man with conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he …
A REVIEW BY RICHARD E. KELLY In his breakthrough 1956 book, When Prophecy Fails, Leon Festinger hooks the reader in his very first paragraph, “A man with conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he …
Those of us who have followed the subject and watched the Blood Doctrine morph over the years, realize that the Watchtower’s leaders are making it up as they go along. The sad thing for us to consider is that many Jehovah’s Witnesses who died because they followed the Watchtower’s guidelines – even relatively recently – would be alive today if the current rules were effective when they had to make their fateful decision.
This is the third and final article in a series about the clear and present danger of undue influence in the manipulative hands of charlatans, con artists, abusive partners, and cults. In this post, we will explore positive practices that directly …
After reading my first article on the prevalence and danger of “undue influence,” I’m sure that many of you may have questioned my ability to edit my own writing. Some readers may have thought that I’d developed some strange quirk – or simply …
I am deeply concerned about the growing menace of undue influence in our society and how quickly it takes place in the manipulative hands of terrorist groups, cults, cults masquerading as benevolent religions (like Watchtower), violent gangs, human traffickers, and political cults, …