A Changing Stance on Education
From inception, Watchtower leaders took issue with the education system, bemoaning teachings that contradict a literal interpretation of the Bible. Russell commented:
This mentality continued through the coming decades, with a range of reasons provided for avoiding a higher education.
Over 40 years ago, young followers were told that a college education was pointless, as the system of things will likely be finished before they graduate.

Jehovah’s Witnesses that followed this advice in the 1960s, and relinquished opportunities to pursue an education and successful careers, are now at retirement age. Comments on Internet forums identify many from that era as financially unprepared for retirement, having worked in low pay jobs, or spending years in voluntary service to grow the Watchtower organization. A short-term view of the future is of no benefit, and has proven to be detrimental to many Witness families over the last century.
Twenty years later the same misguided advice was given.
I came under criticism for commencing a Bachelor of Commerce in 1987. I was told that accountants were not going to be required after Armageddon, and should learn a trade. This is in line with Watchtower comments, such as the Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15, which had stated, “trades such as carpentry, plumbing, and others, will be useful not only now, but perhaps even more so in the reconstruction work that will take place in God’s new order.” Witnesses in my district complained to local Elders and the Circuit Overseer. Since I was a regular pioneer and assisted with quick-build kingdom halls whilst at university, the elders found it difficult to be overly critical of me, when I was so obviously putting the Organization first, more so than most of those leveling the criticism. The result is that I now have a fulfilling career and comfortably provide for my family.
Softening Stance
1992 saw a brief respite to the Watchtower’s criticism of Jehovah’s Witnesses attending university. It was acknowledged that in many countries a higher education was needed for jobs that could support their families. Better-paid jobs meant less overtime, and more available time for meeting attendance and preaching. Watchtower also required educated brothers to fulfill roles at Bethel. Attending university was considered acceptable, provided motives were pure and courses selected with care.
Barbara Anderson worked in the writing department at the global headquarters, Brooklyn Bethel, during the 1990s. Anderson recalls that Governing Body member Lloyd Barry, who himself had a university degree, was behind this new stance on education.
“Lloyd Barry was empathetic towards the low-paying job plight of Witnesses as expressed in personal letters received at headquarters, and from Jehovah’s Witnesses branch office communiqués from around the world. … Due to difficult economic changes in a world that Witnesses could not escape from, Lloyd Barry, along with the rest of the Governing Body, authorized the November 1, 1992 Watchtower article that changed the view of Witnesses towards higher education.”[foot]http://freeminds.org/doctrine/education_anderson.htm [/foot]
Anderson provides a second reason for the change.
“Interestingly, another Governing Body member, Dan Sydlik, shared with a friend that the Watchtower Society was finding itself in a difficult position because this mammoth publishing company needed skilled technical people but couldn’t find them in the Witness community.”[foot]Ibid [/foot]
During this period, advice was still given about the dangers of university, such as that if “a Christian is considering pursuing additional schooling, he would do well to examine his own motives to make sure that selfish, materialistic interests are not the driving force.” (Awake! 1998 Mar 8 p.21) However, the articles were more balanced, concluding, “such decisions are of a personal nature. Christians ought not to criticize or judge one another on this matter.” (Awake! 1998 Mar 8 p.21)
Likewise, Watchtower 1999 Sep 1 p.17 provided warnings about bad associations on campus and that “the time left is reduced,” but vetoed that:
Condemned Again
It was not until October 2005 that pursing “Higher Education” was again specifically discussed in the Watchtower. Once more, criticism against higher education started to be released regarding the cost, immoral environment, time pressures, and lack of spiritual focus.
Anderson provides an explanation for this back flip.
“A decade later, it was observed that “upon graduation, they were not working part-time and pursuing full-time service goals anymore.”[foot]Ibid[/foot]
Another possible explanation are falling growth rates since 1995. (See jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php) The Governing Body possibly attributed this to higher numbers of Witness children graduating university. Whilst university attendance may have affected growth, other factors have also been at play, such as freedom of information available on the Internet, and the growing irrelevance of the generation[foot]http://jwfacts.com/watchtower/generation.php[/foot] and 1914 doctrines.
Since 2005, there have been regular articles against advanced education.
A Watchtower outline for Meetings of Circuit Overseers with Congregational Elders and Ministerial Servants for the period March through August 2008 explained that promoting higher education could result in demotion.
Part One of this series: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Higher Education
Part Three Coming Soon!
I was a victim by dropping out of higher school in 1971 to spend more time in the field because of our expectation that the world would come to an end (at Armageddon)in 1975. I wasted my youthful period promoting false prophesies of the Watchtower Society only to go back to school after 20 years of failed prophesy. The goal of any organization is self-preservation, therefore, the need to keep people from gaining critical thinking and independent thinking which higher education offered. Presently, I have a higher education and I gain critical thinking and I can decern that the New York Non for profit organization is a false prophet and is misleading his followers. This is why they have to discourage their adherent from gaining higher education.
It had been a disappointment to me while I was an elder that when newer men reaching out were generally considered without a close look at the actual Scriptural qualifications . When we would sit and discuss any for recommendation as elders or ministerial servants rarely would any of the others open the Bible in considering them . I would feel like I had a unique approach , in relation to the others , while I always knew that it was better drawing on the Bible during those meetings .
That concluding thought in this article in reference to that “Meetings of Circuit Overseers with Congregational Elders and Ministerial Servants” is a reminder of this deficiency by it’s phrase : ‘When an appointed servant promotes higher education for the purpose of economic gain . . .’ . What I mean is this . What Scriptural basis is there for such a judgment as this ? None that I am aware of unless , of course , the Scriptures get distorted by such official reasoning of that organization of men .
bro dan
We were to put God’s law and principles first in our judgments . Also , after the Bible principles , we were to stick with “organizational policy” . This is but one more example of bad policy regarding education . Even God’s Son was well educated . One needs to use reason and conscience ahead of bouncing around under “WT Policy” .
I personally know that the Society paid for a Bethelite’s law school education to benefit themselves. I wonder how many pedophile lawsuits he’s defended. What hypocrites!
I grew up a a Bible Student in the 1960s-1970s. Us Bible Students children were discouraged from college for the reason that a higher education would cause us to become atheists or to believe in evolution. My parents did not prepare for my brothers and me to attend college. After high school I drifted into auto mechanics. It wasn’t until I was in my mid to late 20s I went to college and it was my wife’s family that encouraged me to attend. I saw I couldn’t have a family on a low income occupation. In high school I graduated in the lower third of my class. However in college I discovered I was good at mathematics and majored in physics and minored in math. I obtained a graduate degree in Environmental Engineering and have worked in that profession for the last 30 years. I have no regrets except that I didn’t start college when I was 18. I ended up graduating with high honors from a reputable university. Still it took me another 20 years before I could make the leap out of that horrible little cult into which I was born and one my family had gotten involved in back in Russell’s day. I had great grandparents, grandparents and parents all of whom were devout Bible Students. I felt torn by the rediculous doctrines and the emotional pain of turning my back on my heritage. But now some 10-15 years after fading/leaving that cult I am happier than I have ever been and do not regret my course of action. Only that I didn’t/couldn’t have left it sooner.
See the judgement that awaits the Watchtower for stumbling some on http://www.e-watchman.com