AAWA.co is the official website for Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses, an international group of volunteers. Most are, or were, Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) is a legally incorporated organization with clearly defined objectives and principles as explained below. AAWA enthusiastically seeks to work with those who share its objectives. However, it also seeks to ensure that all of its activities are pursued in a responsible and productive manner.
To that end, those who wish to work in association with AAWA as volunteers (or “associates”) are kindly asked to first indicate their agreement with the articles of this Mission Statement when carrying out activities on AAWA’s behalf. There is no legally binding contract between AAWA and its associates, but if all associates could be mindful of the following at all times when working on AAWA’s behalf, this would be greatly appreciated. Obviously, when working on their own behalf, AAWA associates may do as they wish!
Please read our complete Mission Statement. We look for your comments, encouragement, and support.