While activity on this website has been a little slow over the past couple of months, all of us at AAWA have been very busy working in the background. As the cooler months approach in the Northern Hemisphere, you should see this site come alive with fresh new articles, features, and ideas.
That is not to say that we have done nothing while enjoying the sunshine. Here are some examples of what we have accomplished over the past 60 days:
Newsletters – We are pleased to announce the release of the September issue of AAWAke!, AAWA’s newsletter.[Link] While we hope to make this newest addition to our publications group available monthly, we are still in the trial and test phase. You can find all three editions available to read online – or to download and print. We encourage our readers to participate, so feel free to share your story or ideas for features with our Newsletter Team. Email your suggestions to Newsletter@AAWA.co.
AAWA One Page Flyer – Our volunteers have designed a very colorful and effective handout that you can use to introduce the world to AAWA. Perfect for handouts, drop-offs, and mailing – you can direct these flyers to local churches, Meetup groups, and your friends. Download this flyer and other handouts from our Publications pages. [Link] Foreign language versions of all of our flyers and handouts are available or in the works.
AAWA.co Spanish Language Website – One of our higher priorities is to offer versions of AAWA.co in other languages. For example, two AAWA volunteers are now expanding our Spanish language site. While the Spanish site will be similar in most respects to the main English language site, it will have its own editors presenting special articles and features directed to its readers. We also hope to have a Portuguese language site in place by the end of the year. Our goal is to serve our growing worldwide audience with current articles and support by the end of 2014. More information about these new sites will become available when estimated start and completion dates can be determined.
The AAWA Forum – Lee Marsh has taken our Forum (introduced on July 1) and expanded and molded it into a support powerhouse. In August we added an online Chat Box feature that allows those using the forum to communicate either publicly or privately while logged in. We require visitors to register if they want to participate and to access some restricted areas, but anyone looking for support – or who wants to provide help to others – should check out our Forum. [Link]
The AAWA FAQ Page – In late June we began putting together a series of common questions and their answers as a response to reader requests. Be sure to take a few minutes and learn more about AAWA’s goals and procedures. [Link]
Comment Guidelines, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use – All of these pages are listed in the right hand sidebar found on the Home and other pages. They are also listed in the drop down menu in the header under ABOUT AAWA. These pages offer more information about how this website works, your protections and limitations as a visitor, and how to make sure your comments are not blocked or removed. [Link to Comment Guidelines]
We are also working on dozens of other projects as well. Visit or subscribe to AAWA.co frequently over the next few months. We’ll keep you posted on the progress of our various projects and provide more tools and ideas about how you can help AAWA reach its goals. If you don’t know what our goals are, please read our Mission Statement and our Open Offer. These pages are also available on our Spanish Language site [here] and [here].