Mandated shunning is on the rise around the world with devastating effects on millions of people. Shunning that is mandated by organized groups to its members is a form of violence against those people being shunned and cut off from …
Mandated shunning is on the rise around the world with devastating effects on millions of people. Shunning that is mandated by organized groups to its members is a form of violence against those people being shunned and cut off from …
What do you do when close family members and friends shun you, because you no longer believe as they do? It is particularly challenging, when the shunning has been mandated by a predatory pseudo-religious group, like Watchtower. And especially onerous if …
The PIVOT of CONTROL is when it happens: When you go from an interested observer of a group with a so-called “no agenda” to being unduly influenced and manipulated. It only takes watching the first 5-minutes of this video to help …
I often ask former JWs if they know what group is worse than Jehovah’s Witnesses. It generally takes two or three guesses before the person gives up. When I tell them it is: ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses, they smile and appear to …
Skilled manipulators, be it a person or a pseudo-religious organization, know how to get people to do what they want them to do. One such manipulator made the following claim: “Making people do what I want is the easiest thing …
The toxic residue from Watchtower’s “Shunning Policy” is explored at: https://www.openmindsfoundation.org/shunning-suicide-jehovahs-witnesses-alienations-deadly-toll/ What do you think? Is this religious freedom or a violation of basic human rights? …
In order for you to decide, you will need to read the following link to a USA Today news report. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/02/20/did-shunning-jehovahs-witnesses-drive-mom-murder-suicide/355626002/ After reading it, what do you think happened? Your comments should be insightful to other readers …
By: Aswin Suierveld of Reclaimed Voices I would like to give you an update of the current situation about child sexual abuse within the Jehovah’s Witness organization in the Netherlands and what our group, Reclaimed Voices Foundation – https://www.facebook.com/reclaimedvoices/ – …