This is the third in a series analyzing the teachings and policies of Jehovah’s Witnesses in regards to advanced education. Benefits of Higher Education Higher Education provides a range of benefits at both a personal level and to society in …
This is the third in a series analyzing the teachings and policies of Jehovah’s Witnesses in regards to advanced education. Benefits of Higher Education Higher Education provides a range of benefits at both a personal level and to society in …
This is part two of a three-part series by Paul Grundy that analyzes the teachings and policies of Jehovah’s Witnesses in regards to advanced education for youthful members. A Changing Stance on Education From inception, Watchtower leaders took issue with …
Jehovah’s Witnesses are advised against pursuing a higher education,[foot]For the purpose of this article, higher education refers to a University education, as defined by the Watchtower: “The educational system varies from country to country. In the United States, for example, …
Jehovah’s Witnesses have received global media attention for their child protection policies, which put children at risk and serve to protect pedophiles. It has been estimated that Watchtower policies are responsible for thousands of children being harmed. To protect these …
The Watchtower instructs Jehovah’s Witnesses to disfellowship and shun members deemed “wicked.” “Disfellowship: To “remove the wicked man” or woman from the congregation.” Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p.23 “Thus ‘disfellowshiping’ is what Jehovah’s Witnesses appropriately call the expelling and subsequent shunning …