“Religious shunning is quite simply a form of religious persecution. “We need to raise awareness of the social and economic costs of large and small religious sects who shun and defame those who leave the fold. “They may raise a …
“Religious shunning is quite simply a form of religious persecution. “We need to raise awareness of the social and economic costs of large and small religious sects who shun and defame those who leave the fold. “They may raise a …
For Watchtower, it’s all about control. This time they go over-the-top, trying to control masturbation. Seeing is believing, as no one in control of their critical thinking skills would produce this kind of video. And yet, Watchtower does it. You …
Sweet music for anyone waking up to the reality that Watchtower is only bells and whistles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBhun-jEim8&index=50&t=25s&list=PLy68d-9E4ku4E9QH9F6MUU4tfNDZ0CkFU …
One of the biggest myths within organized religion is that the clergy speaks for God, or, at least has some better line of communication to the Divine than the average person.This of course begs the question: Do Watchtower’s Governing Body members …
Four years ago, Mickey Hudson published her story about love and sex growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness. It’s a story that continues to capture reader’s interest and so we want to share her story again in 2018. In her …
Few stories had the impact that Rick Gonzalez’s Shameful Shunning in a Thousands Words had in 2013. It’s a timeless story and a priceless picture that needs to be shared again and again. Or least until Watchtower stops its mandated Talmud-like …
By Joni Valkila In addition to Watchtower’s concerns about financial donations, the age pyramid threatens their membership. While I don’t have the hard numbers internationally, …
Are you curious about Watchtower’s current financial position? If so, John Redwood weighs in with some very sobering news, and it is not pretty. You can read the latest news at https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2098816283670622&id=100006268126035 …