On May 30th, AAWA proudly launched its second major campaign aimed at raising awareness of damaging Watchtower policies. This time the psychologically abusive content in Watchtower literature, together with Watchtower’s continued mishandling of child sex abuse, is firmly under AAWA’s …
Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Watchtower instructs Jehovah’s Witnesses to disfellowship and shun members deemed “wicked.” “Disfellowship: To “remove the wicked man” or woman from the congregation.” Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p.23 “Thus ‘disfellowshiping’ is what Jehovah’s Witnesses appropriately call the expelling and subsequent shunning …

Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) proudly presents “Operation: e-Shunning” – its latest social media campaign aimed at informing the general public about the harmful and devastating effects of the Watchtower’s “shunning” policy. To the average person, Jehovah’s Witnesses …